2010年12月9日 星期四


 習俗 這二個字寫起來簡單,但往往在婚禮中卻是一個沉重的印象,婚姻過得好與壞,似乎跟習俗也有著密不可分的關係,所以就算有時想要跳脫窼臼,做個叛逆的新人,也還是受限於心中的那層關卡

 Traditions and customs...  weddings are filled with them.  "Something old, something blue..."  and all that stuff!  It's more than just trivia; Have you ever stopped to wonder what on earth all of these wedding traditions and rituals actually mean and where or how they originated?
 Most of these rituals and traditions have endured the test of time, having emerged centuries ago.  How fascinating is that ?  How is it that they survive?
 These wedding traditons and customs have historically been maintained over the years and handed down through the centuries because such traditions carry with them the promise that they will bring happiness and good fortune to the couple at this transitional time in their life - and who could be brave enough to tamper with that?


